Kelley is born on December 29, 1987
Twenty-one years ago today, a feisty little redhead entered our lives. The name Kelley means "warrior woman" and that is the perfect description for our baby girl. Kelley has always been a strong, independent individual. It is hard to believe that she is all grown up. How does that happen? It is a bittersweet day because, while both of our girls have grown up so quickly, we love the young women they have become. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with knowing the girls have a good head on their shoulders, they have definite goals and are working towards them, and they are good and decent human beings. Thank You, God, for blessing us with Marie and Kelley.
Happy Birthday! 21! whoo hoo!
I love the old pictures of your daughters!
She was an adorable baby! I was so ugly when I first hatched! Your daughters' beauty is a direct reflection of you friend.
I hope my daughters turn out as beautiful and wonderful as yours!
Girls Rule!
ps...boys are cute too!
love to lick her p---y while baby watch's
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